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« En pleine canicule de juillet, un tueur en série se révèle. Il effectue un rituel qui consiste à épiler totalement des jeunes femmes qu’il viole et  tue. C’est pourquoi  cette affaire reçoit le nom de « Dossier After-Shave ». Heureusement la police est aidée par un consultant très spécial : Sagamore, un vieil homme qui à priori ne paie pas de mine, mais qui est un chamane doté de pouvoirs extraordinaires .. Ainsi que du don de faire rire même dans les moments les plus graves.


Michel Tessier nous livre un récit haut en couleurs qui au court de cette enquête , mélange des passages tragiques et d’autres enjoués.


Retrouvez l'interview de Michel Tessier:



Born in Paris, Michel Tessier starts out as a press photographer, travels a great deal, sometimes to war zones.

His career takes him to the world of fashion where he works for many different magazines and advertisement agencies.

In October 2010, Michel Tessier has his book « Itineraire d’un amendement voté » published by les Editions Jérôme Do Bentzinger, and shortlisted for the Prix Edgar Faure. It tells the story of the long and painful struggle of a family who - with the help of associations and elected officials - initiate a law voted concerning the schooling of handicapped chidren and special needs teachers.

In March 2011, Michel Tessier has a second book published by Jérôme Do Bentzinger : L’Elévator, a comedy set in the world of football from Marseilles to Paris, which reflects on « Living together » in this world of diversity.

In January 2012, Michel Tessier has his third book « Sagamore Le Dossier After Shave » published by Editions Artalis, the story of  a Chaman who use his extraordinary powers to help the police to catch a serial Killer.

« Wagon » is Michel Tessier’s fourth book and the first in English Translated from French ,published on Amazon January 2018. A journey with Michel’s Grand Parents from Drancy to Auschwitz.

In November 2019 Michel Tessier published on Amazon “Disability Rights ,1980 -2005 The breakthough years An inventory of the disability rights in Europe and USA

In recognition of his actions and contributions as an authority on disabilities he received of “Knight in the National Order of the Legion of Honor from the French Republic President.

Since 2017 Michel Tessier lives in Miami.


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